PrimerFusion Science 101

To explain the PrimerFusion process, we will begin by explaining the double-slit experiment and particle-wave duality in a way that no one else has. As you go through the science pages on this website, you will learn some new physics and more about the PrimerFusion process. You will also see that our explanation of the double-slit experiment is related to how the PrimerFusion process achieves fusion at energies far lower than scientists believed possible. Although the concepts are a bit complicated, we will try and adhere to a famous saying of Albert Einstein when he said “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
Too Good to be True?
Every once in a while, something that sounds too good to be true turns out to be true anyways. I know that many people will have their doubts about the PrimerFusion concept, and I would probably be just as skeptical as anyone if I had not seen the results of my plasma fusion experiments with my own eyes. But, of course, there are things in physics and quantum mechanics that often do not make sense until you really understand what is actually happening to produce the effects you are witnessing.
The Double Slit Experiment
Take the famous double-slit experiment, for instance. Scientists have run that experiment many times and always obtained the same results. But even though the double-slit experiment was first run in 1801 and can be replicated quite easily, the results of that experiment continue to puzzle scientists to this day.
Particle Wave Duality
It is well known that the double split experiment proves that light has the properties of both a particle and a wave. But the double-slit experiment does not explain WHY light possesses both of these properties even when photons are individually fired through the two slits. So you might say what scientists understand best about the double-slit experiment is that they do not understand WHY we get the results we do in that experiment.
Not Just Light Photons
Scientists also know that what we observe with photons of light in the double-slit experiment also applies to all particles of matter in the universe. In other words, all particles of matter also have the properties of both a particle and a wave. Because of this particle-wave duality, many scientists believe the results of the double-slit experiment to be a cornerstone of physics and quantum mechanics. So stop and really think about what this means.
What If We Truly Understood?
It means that the foundation of our modern physics and quantum mechanics was built using a cornerstone that scientists do not truly understand. But we humans have still been able to create incredible technologies without genuinely understanding the WHY behind many of these technologies. We just know that these technologies work. Then ponder how much more humans could achieve if we actually understood what is happening at the quantum level. It would be amazing what humans could do if we actually understood all the things we call “science.”
Primer Field Magnetic Fields
In Primer Field theory, the magnetic field of a photon of light or any particle of matter is NOT based on a magnetic dipole at the core of that particle. There is no dispute that the magnetic field emanating from a photon of light or any other particle of matter indeed exhibits properties that APPEAR to be generated by a dipole-shaped magnetic emitter. But there is another way to produce that same outward magnetic field that all photons and particles of matter exhibit and that understanding is the core of Primer Field theory. You can click on this image to see a larger view.
North Polarity Array
First of all, you have a bowl-shaped magnetic array constructed as shown here, with all the north magnetic poles of each magnet facing inwards. These bowl-shaped magnetic arrays are patented and you can find that patent by clicking here. Although these magnetic arrays are patented, the PrimerField Foundation has made these arrays open-source for all healthcare applications. You can find more about our open-source approach at www.primercube.org.
South Polarity Magnetic Array
Then you have a bowl-shaped magnetic array constructed with all the south magnetic poles facing inwards. Therefore, you have two bowl-shaped magnetic arrays of opposite polarity, one bowl-shaped magnetic array with a North magnetic polarity, and one South magnetic polarity. Obviously, these arrays are not magnetic monopoles.
Opposites Attract
Then take those two bowl-shaped magnetic arrays of opposite polarity and arrange them as the arrays shown in this photo. No matter what size they are, opposite magnetic polarity bowl-shaped arrays will stick to each other magnetically when you do this. When you stack arrays, as shown in this photo, they will produce an external magnetic field identical to the field produced by a dipole bar magnet.
Exterior Magnetic Fields
In other words, the exterior magnetic field of a dipole bar magnet is identical to the magnetic field produced by two opposite polarity bowl-shaped magnetic arrays when they are placed, as shown in this animation. You can see why scientists assumed that the magnetic fields around particles of matter originated from a dipole bar-shaped magnetic emitter within those particles. But I believe that assumption was a mistake that led to many physics and quantum mechanics misunderstandings, including the double-slit experiment and particle-wave duality.
A Photon of Plasma
Here we have two bowl-shaped magnetic arrays of opposite polarity in a vacuum chamber with high-voltage electricity. Notice that these magnetic arrays cause a ball of plasma to form. The plasma is charged particles. Those charged particles have their own magnetic fields and therefore they follow and reveal the magnetic field structure these two bowl arrays emit. I believe that this proves that photons of light or the nucleus within all particles of matter can be formed by bowl-shaped magnetic arrays. This arrangement has the same external magnetic field as a dipole bar magnet, but this magnetic arrangement forms a ball. A dipole bar magnet will not do that. The plasma also reveals an equatorial disc and ejection jets from both poles of the ball of plasma. I also like the “solar flare” that shoots out from the top right side of the ball of plasma in this looped video.